Joint statement on Canada's support for women human rights defenders in Saudi Arabia Aug 10, 2018 | Read more
Behind the scenes of LGBTQI+ Advocacy: A mental health conversation with Valentina Parra Oct 21, 2024 | Read more
“Until We Find Them”: Searching for missing loved ones on the road to the North Mar 11, 2019 | Read more
Inter Pares welcomes Canada’s feminist realignment of international assistance Jun 9, 2017 | Read more
Canadian Government Breaks Promise to Create Independent Corporate Human Rights Watchdog Apr 9, 2019 | Read more
Round Table with Vigilance OGM: Agroecology, feminist approaches and the struggle against agrochemicals Oct 7, 2024 | Read more
Stopping the unstoppable: Citizen resistance to exterminator technology in Burkina Faso Sep 4, 2019 | Read more
Behind the scenes of LGBTQI+ Advocacy: A mental health conversation with Valentina Parra Oct 21, 2024 | Read more
“Until We Find Them”: Searching for missing loved ones on the road to the North Mar 11, 2019 | Read more
The Immigrant Workers Centre to receive 2018 Peter Gillespie Social Justice Award Apr 18, 2018 | Read more
“Until We Find Them”: Searching for missing loved ones on the road to the North Mar 11, 2019 | Read more
Round Table with Vigilance OGM: Agroecology, feminist approaches and the struggle against agrochemicals Oct 7, 2024 | Read more
Round Table with Vigilance OGM: Agroecology, feminist approaches and the struggle against agrochemicals Oct 7, 2024 | Read more
Round Table with Vigilance OGM: Agroecology, feminist approaches and the struggle against agrochemicals Oct 7, 2024 | Read more
Round Table with Vigilance OGM: Agroecology, feminist approaches and the struggle against agrochemicals Oct 7, 2024 | Read more
Round Table with Vigilance OGM: Agroecology, feminist approaches and the struggle against agrochemicals Oct 7, 2024 | Read more
Behind the scenes of LGBTQI+ Advocacy: A mental health conversation with Valentina Parra Oct 21, 2024 | Read more
Advocacy is resistance: Navigating anti-LGBTQI+ violence in post-war Guatemala May 23, 2024 | Read more
News Keywords News Type - Any -In the NewsInsight & AnalysisUpdates Issue - Any -AgricultureAidArmed conflictEnvironmentFeminismHealth policyInternal displacementBiodiversityCivil libertiesCorporate accountabilityHealth promotionLandMigrant labourQueer & Trans RightsFood policyFreedom of expressionHealth servicesNatural resourcesTax justiceUndocumented migrantsViolence against womenFood securityGovernanceRefugeesTradeWomen’s healthGenetic engineeringHumanitarian reliefWomen’s leadershipHuman rightsWomen's rightsImpunityIndigenous & ethnic rightsMilitarizationPeacebuildingGender Justice & Women's RightsPeace and DemocracyControl Over ResourcesEconomic JusticeFood & Climate JusticeHealthMigration Region - Any -Africa-Burkina Faso-Ghana-Guinea-Bissau-Kenya-Mali-Senegal-Sudan-TogoAsia-Bangladesh-Burma-India-Malaysia-Philippines-ThailandCanadaLatin America-Colombia-El Salvador-Guatemala-Honduras-Mexico-Peru Submit Sort By: Sort by DateAlphabetical Order AscDesc Results: 384 Healthcare for All - campaign update The Canadian Health Coalition (CHC), of which Inter Pares is a member, is urging Canadians to use their vote to defend "Healthcare for All." HealthCanada Issues affecting women will finally get the attention they deserve on September 21! Hear what the party leaders have to say about issues affecting women. Gender Justice & Women's RightsCanada Why is Inter Pares concerned with GMOs? Inter Pares works to support and promote food sovereignty and ecological agriculture. Here are a few of the reasons Inter Pares is concerned about GMOs. Food & Climate JusticeAfrica Inter Pares Film Nights lineup features thought-provoking documentaries on social justice Fall is here, and so is a fresh crop of Inter Pares Film Nights! Peace and Democracy RCMP is laying charges against one of the Syrian torturers of Maher Arar An arrest warrant and Interpol notice have been issued, in the hope of extraditing Col. Salloum to face justice. Peace and DemocracyCanada The truth from our fields Inter Pares staff Eric Chaurette visited a cotton farmer group in Burkina Faso in February 2015. He got the latest news on the farmer-researcher project. Control Over ResourcesAfrica In Solidarity with Temporary Migrant Workers The vulnerable situation of migrant workers in Canada. Human rightsMigrationCanada The Power of Collective Action in Bangladesh Nijera Kori landless groups in the communities of Charbata, Bangladesh, successfully led collective action to protect the land to farm and the river to fish. Women’s leadershipGovernanceControl Over ResourcesAsia Up for Debate Campaign: We’re Shifting Gears The debate we had originally imagined will not happen. But, this is certainly not the end of the road. The issues we care about can, and will be, a major part of this federal election. Gender Justice & Women's RightsCanada Inter Pares welcomes the Government of Canada’s new funding to improve women’s health in the Philippines Press release. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAsia Happy Birthday Tiniguena! Tiniguena, founded in 1991, is a courageous organization that over its history has managed to accomplish big things. Human rightsControl Over ResourcesAfrica Four Years of War Four years ago this week, conflict in Kachin State, northern Burma, broke a seventeen-year ceasefire agreement. Women’s leadershipArmed conflictBurma Promoting Canadians’ Civil Liberties Learn how ICLMG, Inter Pares counterpart, promotes and defends civil liberties and human rights here in Canada. Peace and DemocracyCanada Guinea-Bissau: Hope is in the Air Early 2015, staff member Patricia Charest Mugwaneza visited Inter Pares’ counterpart Tiniguena. She shares her experience. Peace and DemocracyAfrica El Salvador’s Shifting Social Geography El Salvador shows some signs of openness for dialogue between the government and civil society. Gender Justice & Women's RightsLatin America Truth and Reconciliation Commission Inter Pares was a proud sponsor of the closing events of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission on Aboriginal residential schools. Peace and DemocracyCanada Parliamentary Friends of Burma (PFOB) reconstitutes on Parliament Hill Inter Pares welcomes the announcement of the reconstitution of the Parliamentary Friends of Burma (PFOB). Peace and DemocracyBurmaCanada Are genetically modified crops better for the environment? Through five reports, the GMO Inquiry explores critical unanswered questions about the impacts of GMOs. Food & Climate JusticeCanada Women's Health Is the Key to Economic Prosperity in the Philippines Dr. Melgar and Dr. Estrada Claudio are both co-founders of Likhaan, an Inter Pares counterpart in the Philippines. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAsia Inter Pares mourns passing of former colleague Peter Gillespie Over the twenty-five years that Peter worked for Inter Pares, he brought his passion, courage, talent, and deep commitment to social justice to many issues and struggles around the world. The Future of International Solidarity: Over 100 participants! On April 30th, over 100 activists from Ottawa-Gatineau and around the world joined Inter Pares for its 40th anniversary event. FeminismWomen’s leadershipPeace and DemocracyAfrica Our 2014 Annual Report is out! This year Inter Pares celebrates its 40th anniversary, and enthusiastically launches its fifth decade of global social action. Gender Justice & Women's Rights Burmese women's rights activists wary of Canadian mining investment By Embassy Magazine's Kristen Shane. Gender Justice & Women's RightsBurma Happy International Women's Day: Photo & video gallery Our inspiring counterparts from Africa, Latin America, and Asia are committed to gender equality. Gender Justice & Women's RightsGuinea-BissauSudanBangladeshBurmaIndiaPhilippinesCanada We were Up for Debate 30 years ago. We still are now. Caroline Andrew shares her personal memories as moderator of the 1984 women's issues debate. Gender Justice & Women's RightsCanada Politics in Sudan need women’s voices Inter Pares counterparts act with determination and courage in Sudan to press for change, for peace, and for democracy in the face of incredible odds. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAfrica Election year in Burma Social justice activists in Burma are about to face a major dilemma. In late 2015, Burma will hold its first national elections since the "transition to democracy.” Gender Justice & Women's RightsAsia Unforgettable learning exchange for West African, Canadian and Indian farmers While continents apart, West Africa and the State of Andhra Pradesh in India share similar challenges. Food & Climate JusticeAfrica The Tour is Over, Solidarity Continues: Guatemalan and Canadian activists build stronger ties Inter Pares’ Solidarity Tour to Guatemala. Peace and DemocracyCanada Canadian women have questions. Are our party leaders Up for Debate? More than 100 women's organizations - including Inter Pares - seek to create a national conversation on gender equality and women's rights in the lead up to the next federal election. Gender Justice & Women's RightsCanada Songs and Seeds of Freedom: Building solidarity among farmers from West Africa and India Inter Pares facilitates a learning exchange amongst West African and Indian farmers. Food & Climate JusticeAfrica Health and Humanity: Connecting the Philippines and Canada Inter Pares brought together Dr. Junice Melgar, Director of Likhaan, and Mike McBane, then Coordinator of the Canadian Health Coalition. Women's rightsHealthAsia Inequalities: the central focus of a regional Leadership Forum in Kenya The Forum, organized by our long-term counterpart ACORD, brought together 47 African and international social justice activists. Armed conflictControl Over ResourcesAfrica Upholding the Law on Shifting Sands A courageous community in Bangladesh reclaims their land. Control Over ResourcesAsia The True Face of Landgrabs in West Africa Participatory research reveals disastrous impacts on communities. Control Over ResourcesAfrica How access to land leads to gender equality in Chiapas Inserting women’s perspective into the communal land system in Mexico. Gender Justice & Women's RightsLatin America Inter Pares participates in DFATD Consultation on Civil Society Partnerships Inter Pares made a series of policy recommendations to the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD) as part of a consultation process regarding Civil Society Partnerships. Canada Inter Pares strongly condemns the closing of Salmmah Women’s Center in Sudan Inter Pares strongly condemns the closing of the Salmmah Women’s Resource Center office based in Khartoum by state authorities in Sudan. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAfrica A holistic approach to a dangerous disease The Back Pack Health Worker Team provides primary health care to a quarter of a million people. HealthBurma Understanding land acquisitions in West Africa Learn how farmers are working with Canadian researchers and Inter Pares to document the impact of landgrabs in Africa. Control Over ResourcesAfrica (In)Equality Matters: tax justice, tax havens and the international economy The global economy creates inequality and poverty, and bankrupts countries. This is irrational and unjust. Economic JusticeAfrica Tsilhqot’in First Nation fights mine to save Teztan Biny MiningWatch Canada supports British Columbia First Nations in their struggle to protect their livelihoods, land and water. Indigenous & ethnic rightsControl Over ResourcesCanada Canadians raised their voice for mining accountability on May 14th Over 80,000 people sent a letter or postcard to their MP to call for access to justice here in Canada for people who have been harmed by Canadian extractive companies abroad. Economic JusticeCanada Farmers in Ghana displaced for Canadian mine seek justice Farmers desperate after 10 year struggle for fair compensation for farms destroyed for Canadian mine. Control Over ResourcesAfrica Canadian solidarity with migrant workers Inter Pares promotes solidarity and collaboration between the migrant justice and food justice movements. Food & Climate JusticeCanada In Guatemala, Indigenous people seek justice after internal armed conflict Guatemalan Mayan community seeks justice around two emblematic cases that took place during the country's internal armed conflict. Peace and DemocracyLatin America Asha El-Karib and Amanda Dale: An ongoing conversation on women’s equality Two women’s rights activists from Canada and Sudan reflect on commonalities in the fight for women’s equality. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAfrica Making free trade into fairer trade: The work of Third World Network Sanya Reid Smith works for Inter Pares counterpart, Third World Network analyzing trade agreements such as the Trans Pacific Partnership. Economic JusticeCanada Public financing for women’s rights in the Philippines Likhaan, a women’s health organization in the Philippines, advocates for universal healthcare and reproductive rights. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAsia Asian and West African activists share knowledge on biodiverse farming A knowledge-sharing exchange brings Asian and West African activists together to ensure food sovereignty. Food & Climate JusticeAfrica « first ‹ previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 next › last »
Healthcare for All - campaign update The Canadian Health Coalition (CHC), of which Inter Pares is a member, is urging Canadians to use their vote to defend "Healthcare for All." HealthCanada
Issues affecting women will finally get the attention they deserve on September 21! Hear what the party leaders have to say about issues affecting women. Gender Justice & Women's RightsCanada
Why is Inter Pares concerned with GMOs? Inter Pares works to support and promote food sovereignty and ecological agriculture. Here are a few of the reasons Inter Pares is concerned about GMOs. Food & Climate JusticeAfrica
Inter Pares Film Nights lineup features thought-provoking documentaries on social justice Fall is here, and so is a fresh crop of Inter Pares Film Nights! Peace and Democracy
RCMP is laying charges against one of the Syrian torturers of Maher Arar An arrest warrant and Interpol notice have been issued, in the hope of extraditing Col. Salloum to face justice. Peace and DemocracyCanada
The truth from our fields Inter Pares staff Eric Chaurette visited a cotton farmer group in Burkina Faso in February 2015. He got the latest news on the farmer-researcher project. Control Over ResourcesAfrica
In Solidarity with Temporary Migrant Workers The vulnerable situation of migrant workers in Canada. Human rightsMigrationCanada
The Power of Collective Action in Bangladesh Nijera Kori landless groups in the communities of Charbata, Bangladesh, successfully led collective action to protect the land to farm and the river to fish. Women’s leadershipGovernanceControl Over ResourcesAsia
Up for Debate Campaign: We’re Shifting Gears The debate we had originally imagined will not happen. But, this is certainly not the end of the road. The issues we care about can, and will be, a major part of this federal election. Gender Justice & Women's RightsCanada
Inter Pares welcomes the Government of Canada’s new funding to improve women’s health in the Philippines Press release. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAsia
Happy Birthday Tiniguena! Tiniguena, founded in 1991, is a courageous organization that over its history has managed to accomplish big things. Human rightsControl Over ResourcesAfrica
Four Years of War Four years ago this week, conflict in Kachin State, northern Burma, broke a seventeen-year ceasefire agreement. Women’s leadershipArmed conflictBurma
Promoting Canadians’ Civil Liberties Learn how ICLMG, Inter Pares counterpart, promotes and defends civil liberties and human rights here in Canada. Peace and DemocracyCanada
Guinea-Bissau: Hope is in the Air Early 2015, staff member Patricia Charest Mugwaneza visited Inter Pares’ counterpart Tiniguena. She shares her experience. Peace and DemocracyAfrica
El Salvador’s Shifting Social Geography El Salvador shows some signs of openness for dialogue between the government and civil society. Gender Justice & Women's RightsLatin America
Truth and Reconciliation Commission Inter Pares was a proud sponsor of the closing events of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission on Aboriginal residential schools. Peace and DemocracyCanada
Parliamentary Friends of Burma (PFOB) reconstitutes on Parliament Hill Inter Pares welcomes the announcement of the reconstitution of the Parliamentary Friends of Burma (PFOB). Peace and DemocracyBurmaCanada
Are genetically modified crops better for the environment? Through five reports, the GMO Inquiry explores critical unanswered questions about the impacts of GMOs. Food & Climate JusticeCanada
Women's Health Is the Key to Economic Prosperity in the Philippines Dr. Melgar and Dr. Estrada Claudio are both co-founders of Likhaan, an Inter Pares counterpart in the Philippines. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAsia
Inter Pares mourns passing of former colleague Peter Gillespie Over the twenty-five years that Peter worked for Inter Pares, he brought his passion, courage, talent, and deep commitment to social justice to many issues and struggles around the world.
The Future of International Solidarity: Over 100 participants! On April 30th, over 100 activists from Ottawa-Gatineau and around the world joined Inter Pares for its 40th anniversary event. FeminismWomen’s leadershipPeace and DemocracyAfrica
Our 2014 Annual Report is out! This year Inter Pares celebrates its 40th anniversary, and enthusiastically launches its fifth decade of global social action. Gender Justice & Women's Rights
Burmese women's rights activists wary of Canadian mining investment By Embassy Magazine's Kristen Shane. Gender Justice & Women's RightsBurma
Happy International Women's Day: Photo & video gallery Our inspiring counterparts from Africa, Latin America, and Asia are committed to gender equality. Gender Justice & Women's RightsGuinea-BissauSudanBangladeshBurmaIndiaPhilippinesCanada
We were Up for Debate 30 years ago. We still are now. Caroline Andrew shares her personal memories as moderator of the 1984 women's issues debate. Gender Justice & Women's RightsCanada
Politics in Sudan need women’s voices Inter Pares counterparts act with determination and courage in Sudan to press for change, for peace, and for democracy in the face of incredible odds. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAfrica
Election year in Burma Social justice activists in Burma are about to face a major dilemma. In late 2015, Burma will hold its first national elections since the "transition to democracy.” Gender Justice & Women's RightsAsia
Unforgettable learning exchange for West African, Canadian and Indian farmers While continents apart, West Africa and the State of Andhra Pradesh in India share similar challenges. Food & Climate JusticeAfrica
The Tour is Over, Solidarity Continues: Guatemalan and Canadian activists build stronger ties Inter Pares’ Solidarity Tour to Guatemala. Peace and DemocracyCanada
Canadian women have questions. Are our party leaders Up for Debate? More than 100 women's organizations - including Inter Pares - seek to create a national conversation on gender equality and women's rights in the lead up to the next federal election. Gender Justice & Women's RightsCanada
Songs and Seeds of Freedom: Building solidarity among farmers from West Africa and India Inter Pares facilitates a learning exchange amongst West African and Indian farmers. Food & Climate JusticeAfrica
Health and Humanity: Connecting the Philippines and Canada Inter Pares brought together Dr. Junice Melgar, Director of Likhaan, and Mike McBane, then Coordinator of the Canadian Health Coalition. Women's rightsHealthAsia
Inequalities: the central focus of a regional Leadership Forum in Kenya The Forum, organized by our long-term counterpart ACORD, brought together 47 African and international social justice activists. Armed conflictControl Over ResourcesAfrica
Upholding the Law on Shifting Sands A courageous community in Bangladesh reclaims their land. Control Over ResourcesAsia
The True Face of Landgrabs in West Africa Participatory research reveals disastrous impacts on communities. Control Over ResourcesAfrica
How access to land leads to gender equality in Chiapas Inserting women’s perspective into the communal land system in Mexico. Gender Justice & Women's RightsLatin America
Inter Pares participates in DFATD Consultation on Civil Society Partnerships Inter Pares made a series of policy recommendations to the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD) as part of a consultation process regarding Civil Society Partnerships. Canada
Inter Pares strongly condemns the closing of Salmmah Women’s Center in Sudan Inter Pares strongly condemns the closing of the Salmmah Women’s Resource Center office based in Khartoum by state authorities in Sudan. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAfrica
A holistic approach to a dangerous disease The Back Pack Health Worker Team provides primary health care to a quarter of a million people. HealthBurma
Understanding land acquisitions in West Africa Learn how farmers are working with Canadian researchers and Inter Pares to document the impact of landgrabs in Africa. Control Over ResourcesAfrica
(In)Equality Matters: tax justice, tax havens and the international economy The global economy creates inequality and poverty, and bankrupts countries. This is irrational and unjust. Economic JusticeAfrica
Tsilhqot’in First Nation fights mine to save Teztan Biny MiningWatch Canada supports British Columbia First Nations in their struggle to protect their livelihoods, land and water. Indigenous & ethnic rightsControl Over ResourcesCanada
Canadians raised their voice for mining accountability on May 14th Over 80,000 people sent a letter or postcard to their MP to call for access to justice here in Canada for people who have been harmed by Canadian extractive companies abroad. Economic JusticeCanada
Farmers in Ghana displaced for Canadian mine seek justice Farmers desperate after 10 year struggle for fair compensation for farms destroyed for Canadian mine. Control Over ResourcesAfrica
Canadian solidarity with migrant workers Inter Pares promotes solidarity and collaboration between the migrant justice and food justice movements. Food & Climate JusticeCanada
In Guatemala, Indigenous people seek justice after internal armed conflict Guatemalan Mayan community seeks justice around two emblematic cases that took place during the country's internal armed conflict. Peace and DemocracyLatin America
Asha El-Karib and Amanda Dale: An ongoing conversation on women’s equality Two women’s rights activists from Canada and Sudan reflect on commonalities in the fight for women’s equality. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAfrica
Making free trade into fairer trade: The work of Third World Network Sanya Reid Smith works for Inter Pares counterpart, Third World Network analyzing trade agreements such as the Trans Pacific Partnership. Economic JusticeCanada
Public financing for women’s rights in the Philippines Likhaan, a women’s health organization in the Philippines, advocates for universal healthcare and reproductive rights. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAsia
Asian and West African activists share knowledge on biodiverse farming A knowledge-sharing exchange brings Asian and West African activists together to ensure food sovereignty. Food & Climate JusticeAfrica