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Results: 647

A New Vision for Land in Burma

Sai Khur Hseng is an activist who works closely with local community groups in Burma who stand up for customary land tenure systems that protect their land and the environment.

Sep 8, 2017

Water Warriors at One World Film Festival

Inter Pares is proud to sponsor and co-present a screening of Water Warriors, a documentary film by Storyline, at the 28th Annual One World Film Festival, in Ottawa.

Sep 5, 2017

Book Launch: Manufacturing Urgency

Do campaigns to end violence against women fulfill their promises? To find out, join us for an exciting conversation between author Corinne Mason and Rita Morbia, Executive Director of Inter Pares.

Sep 4, 2017

A New Vision for Land in Burma

Land is central to many social justice struggles around the world, and it’s no different in Burma. However, ethnic civil society organizations have a new vision for land use.

Sep 4, 2017

Return is Never That Simple

Refugees in camps in Thailand are increasingly worried about their futures since many international NGOs are withdrawing their support.

Sep 4, 2017

Countering Dehumanization and Hate

Since October 2016, the Burmese army has unleashed a new wave of violence against Rohingya Muslim civilians in the northwest of the country.

Sep 4, 2017

A learning exchange goes on tour

Learn more about Likhaan's Canadian tour. Likhaan is a women's health center based in the Philippines and a long time counterpart of Inter Pares.

Aug 9, 2017

Inter Pares concerned with Honduras report

Inter Pares and 23 Canadian civil society organizations concerned with the Honduras report of the Extractive Sector CSR Counsellor.

Aug 1, 2017

Canadian pension funds grab farmland in Brazil

What are the links between pension funds and landgrabbing? Learn more with this article by David Bruer published in the Monitor magazine.

Jul 26, 2017

Inter Pares welcomes Canada’s feminist realignment of international assistance

Inter Pares welcomes the Government of Canada’s launch of its long-awaited international assistance policy (IAP).

Jun 9, 2017

A rural Senegalese leader, addressing a gathering while visiting our counterpart Deccan Development Society in India. A central part of our feminist approach is to organize international exchanges, enabling mutual learning and solidarity-building.

A critical look at the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition in Senegal

Presentation of key findings from the evaluation of the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition in Senegal.

Jun 1, 2017

Inter Pares supports the decriminalization of abortion in El Salvador

Inter Pares and Canadian civil society organizations support decriminalization of abortion in El Salvador.

May 23, 2017

Nijera Kori through the eyes of Canadian interns

Between 2012 and 2016 Inter Pares collaborated with Dominique Caouette, Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Montreal.

May 19, 2017

Women’s Health, Women’s Rights Tour

Join us for a discussion on sexual and reproductive health and rights. Two representatives from the Likhaan Centre for Women's Health will talk about how women's health clinics in the Philippines are overcoming the challenges of poverty, violence, and the lack of access to contraception and sex education in schools.

May 16, 2017

Women’s Health, Women’s Rights: In the Philippines, In Canada, and Beyond

Inter Pares is organizing a cross-Canada tour with two representatives from the Likhaan Center for Women's Health in the Philippines.

May 12, 2017

May Month of Action for Mining Justice

Join Inter Pares and the Canadian Network on Corporate Accountability (CNCA) for a month of action for mining justice in May.

May 1, 2017

photo of an open-pit mine


This review of Inter Pares' Ottawa premiere of Seven was written by Bob LeDrew and published in Ottawa Tonite, April 25th, 2017.

Apr 27, 2017

The audience claps and cheers at the closing of Seven.

Our 2016 Annual Report is out!

This year, we reflect on the many sources of hope upon which we at Inter Pares draw during challenging political times.

Apr 25, 2017

cover of Inter Pares' 2016 Annual Report

Inter Pares Annual Report 2016 - Hope at the Grassroots

We are pleased to announce that our Annual Report 2016 is out! This year, we reflect on the many sources of hope upon which we at Inter Pares draw during challenging political times.

Apr 25, 2017

cover of Inter Pares' 2016 Annual Report

May Month of Action for Mining Justice

Join Inter Pares and the Canadian Network on Corporate Accountability (CNCA) for a Month of Action for Mining Justice in May (and get started today).

Apr 24, 2017

photo of an open-pit mine

2016 Full Financial Statements

These are our full financial statements for 2016.

Apr 21, 2017

2016 financial statements

Canadian Council of Muslim Women to receive 2017 Peter Gillespie Social Justice Award

Inter Pares is honored to give the award to the Canadian Council of Muslim Women for their courageous work in advancing women’s rights.

Apr 21, 2017

2017 Peter Gillespie Award for Social Justice, awarded to the Canadian Council for Muslim Women

Inter Pares Film Nights - Return to Manomin

In Return to Manomin, filmmaker Michelle Derosier struggles to persuade four generations of her kin to revive their traditional annual wild rice (Manomin) harvest. Come and learn about Michelle's struggles and discuss the film's themes after the screening.

Apr 5, 2017

Innovations in reducing maternal mortality in the Philippines

Inter Pares staff were thrilled to be in Manila, the Philippines, on the occasion of the opening of Likhaan’s Zaragosa clinic.

Apr 4, 2017

Inter Pares brings acclaimed documentary play to Ottawa

Inter Pares presents the play "Seven," which intertwines seven true stories told by women’s rights activists worldwide.

Mar 30, 2017

promotional image for Seven: A documentary play

Improving Canada’s Contribution to Women’s Access to Land in Africa

How is it some rights are protected and some not, some laws enforced and some not? Women farmers grow 70% of Africa’s food but often have few rights to land. Massive land grabs by elites and foreign corporations are making the situation worse. Inter Pares’ Jean Symes recently spoke on an expert panel to a conference about how Canada can support African women farmers to keep their land.

Mar 29, 2017

Jean Symes speaking at CELADA conference, 2017

Seven: A documentary play

Inter Pares presents the Ottawa premiere of Seven at the Wabano Centre on April 24th. The documentary play intertwines seven true stories told by women’s rights activists in Russia, Cambodia, Guatemala, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Pakistan and Northern Ireland.

Mar 28, 2017

image promotionnelle pour Seven : une pièce de théâtre documentaire

Video: 80 Law Profs call on government to make Canada #open4justice

A group of university professors have signed a letter to the PM urging him to stick with his election promise to create a human rights ombudsman for the international extractive sector.

Mar 17, 2017

Inter Pares Film Nights: A Girl in the River: The price of forgiveness

This documentary film by Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy traces the story of an 18-year-old Pakistani girl who survives an assassination attempt by her father and brother. Come and learn Saba’s story and discuss the film’s themes following the screening!

Mar 8, 2017

Canada's global leadership on women's rights

We deeply appreciate the funding announcement made today to advance women's sexual and reproductive health and rights around the world.

Mar 8, 2017

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announces significant funding for women's sexual and reproductive health and rights at an International Women's Day panel in Ottawa, March 8th 2017.

Canada and the Global Gag Rule

Inter Pares is deeply concerned about the impact of the Global Gag Rule on the enabling environment for sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) around the world. For this reason, we joined dozens of other Canadian organizations in a joint public statement on it.

Mar 6, 2017

Activists demonstrate in front of the Peruvian Supreme Court, laying flowers to mourn the loss of reproductive rights during the Fujimori dictatorship and demand reparations.

Why celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8th?

Just like years past, Inter Pares is marking and celebrating International Women’s Day in the company of women and feminists from around the world.

Mar 2, 2017

A consultation at Likhaan's clinic in Vitas, Manila.

International Women's Day 2017 Ottawa: The Future is Feminist

Join us on March 8, 2017 for Ottawa’s biggest International Women’s Day celebration, featuring the annual Femmy Awards ceremony honouring local feminist change-makers, an activist fair, powerful arts performances, great food and drink, AND a dance party featuring DJ Seiiizmikk!

Mar 2, 2017

Poster for IWD Ottawa 2017 event

Inter Pares Film Nights - James Baldwin: The Price of the Ticket

This film by Karen Thorsen retraces the life of James Baldwin, writer and black activist, and his exploration of racial and sexual discrimination in his works. This portrait, which weaves in interviews, Baldwin's stirring public speeches, and voiceover readings of extracts from his works, illustrates Baldwin in all of his charm and strength.

Feb 6, 2017

Publicity image for "The Price of the Ticket," a documentary film on James Baldwin

The World Through a Feminist Lens

In this bulletin, we explore our feminist approach, and what it means for activists around the world.

Feb 3, 2017

Cover of English February 2017 bulletin

My Retirement, Not at the Price of Human Dignity!

Quebec and BC’s pension funds have land investments in Brazil that are forcing peasants off their land through violence and fraud. As part of the campaign "My Retirement, Not at the Price of Human Dignity!", Inter Pares is encouraging people to write to the CEOs of the pension funds to express their indignation.

Feb 3, 2017

My Retirement, Not at the Price of Human Dignity!

My Retirement, Not at the Price of Human Dignity!

Quebec and BC’s pension funds have land investments in Brazil that are forcing peasants off their land through violence and fraud. Take action now and write to their CEOs.

Feb 2, 2017

clear piggy bank with land inside

Taking a Feminist Approach

As a feminist organization with over forty years of experience, we have seen the transformative results of a feminist approach and we are keen to see it widely used.

Feb 2, 2017

The Kuki Women’s Centre uses ground-breaking restorative justice techniques to address gender-based violence in their communities in Burma’s north west.

Feminism Sans Frontières

Feminism is not a worldview invented and held solely by women in the global North. We have found over the past forty years that feminism resonates with social justice activists around the world.

Feb 2, 2017

A work retreat of the Karen Women Organisation. Formed in 1949, with a membership of over 49,000 women, KWO is a community-based organization with which Inter Pares has collaborated for almost two decades.

International Women's Day (IWD) 2016

This video was created by Inter Pares staff member Rebecca Wolsak and screened at the 2016 International Women's Day celebration in Ottawa. It blends humour and serious introspection to review the past year's feminist highlights and lowlights at the local, national, and international levels, and contemplates the year to come.

Jan 24, 2017

screen capture of the video screened at the 2016 International Women's Day Ottawa celebration

Help make Canada Open for Justice

Take action today so that Canada has an ombudsperson to give recourse when Canadian mining companies abuse human rights.

Jan 23, 2017

Call for an extractive industry ombudsperson

Meet Anna - Inter Pares' youngest monthly donor

10-year-old Anna is making a difference as an Inter Pares Sustaining Donor. Join her in globalizing equality every month by signing up today!

Jan 13, 2017

Meet Anna - Inter Pares' youngest monthly donor

Philippines: Stop the extra-judicial killings

Since President Duterte took office, the number of extrajudicial killings has skyrocketed in that country. Inter Pares recently sent a letter to the President in collaboration with a number of other signatories.

Jan 9, 2017

Warren Allmand: "Anti-Terrorism and Human Rights"

Warren Allmand, prominent international human rights consultant and member of the International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group (ICLMG), of which Inter Pares is a founding member, delivered the keynote address to Inter Pares' Annual General Meeting in April 2007. Under the theme of "Anti-Terrorism and Human Rights," Warren Allmand offered his reflections on the conclusions of the Arar Commission and criticized the current security establishment, which is increasingly threatening our rights and freedoms rather than protecting them.

Dec 9, 2016

Warren Allmand

Highlights 2016: Inter Pares' year in review

Globally, Inter Pares works with organizations engaged in building a more equitable world.

Dec 7, 2016

Likhaan staff at a family planning fair in the Philippines